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I’m grateful to be who I am

About Me

From a young age, my story has been intertwined with the Angelic realm, which is as close to me as my own physical experiences, where I am firmly rooted in my Earthly roots.

Absorbing the gifts of Mother Earth’s deepest depths and touching the threads of the Universe, I was allowed to bring us all the forgotten gift of the primal wisdom of Life – the Placental Ritual.

For two decades, I have accompanied meditations, rituals, and women’s circles. In my hands – with angelic blessing – supportive mandalas, cards, or books are created. But above all, I create unique candles that illuminate our world with Divine Light.

My Story

“I perceive life against the backdrop of an infinite, timeless reality. I am a mediator between the subtle world and matter, between beings of Light and people.”


I am a woman who is mysterious in the eyes of many, a bit (or even too much) different, and yet I am actually a completely ordinary person. A spiritual lady who speaks with Angels, a rebel who loves laughter and speaks her mind. I have a great love and admiration for Life, which has blown thousands of incredible miracles into mine, which I send on through my work, and sometimes with blushing, other times with joy, I can say that I succeed.

Every day I thank God and myself for going after the voice of my Soul, even though I had no idea what awaited me. Often it was not easy.

I am a content person who loves herself and her authenticity the most. And even though not everything is perfect, all my parts together form the perfect Whole of my unique self, of which I am proud of.


My self, which awakened the untamed Power, thanks to which I firmly rooted my roots in the Earth, and yet I touch the labyrinths of the Universe.

Full of admiration, I look up to its intentions, listen to its rhythm, and through my work, I let it come to life. It happens by itself, naturally, in events that cannot be expressed in words and in which Pure Light spreads in the most modest greatness. It is so magnificent that I listen to it unconditionally, follow it, and materialize what I am asked to do.

This is the meaning of my being, my mission, fulfillment, and happiness. To be a conscious messenger of the Universe.

It might seem that because of this I am out of reality and flying in the airy spheres, but do not be mistaken. Perhaps it would be enough to be in my presence for a while and you would experience that it is an illusion. Being spiritual and perceiving the subtle world certainly does not mean that I pray, meditate, or have thousands of artificial rules for a truly spiritual life all day long.

On the contrary. I do not follow rules and actually nothing that can be understood by reason. My compass through life is my heart, inner authenticity, and feelings that tell me this or that.

Many shades of joyful being, reciprocity, and love are for me my family, which I love to take care of (and so most of my articles have their beginnings at the stove, where I spend my time really often).

I spend a lot of time with my family and with great gratitude, I experience the gift that it can be so. Life has often led me to moments when I felt the fragile boundary between life and death and that being with loved ones is definitely not ordinary. Creating the temple of our home is for me just as deeply sacred an act as my work, and I like to nourish it lovingly with my conscious care. At the same time, I feel well at home, it is a space of safety, a space of everything. (And so, despite all the kind invitations for which I am grateful, I do not travel much to organize events in distant places, because I feel that I need to work mainly where my roots are, where I am at home.)

For my life, I very much need moderation, symbiosis, and relaxation. Whether it concerns small everyday things or big things. The same applies to the balance between work, family, and also taking care of myself.

One piece is nourishment for another, and from all of them together, I assemble a beautiful mosaic of harmony. I have no doubt that such moments – when we are in harmony with ourselves and therefore with everything – are a meeting with God.

Ordinary, natural, and invisible moments. And so it is natural to me. Not to seek ostentation, but to be in modesty, which shines from within with what is mine. What is my Truth.

It is natural for me not to interfere too much and to let things just happen – with gratitude and without complaining that I want more of anything. And that is my happiness – my contentment with everything I have, and with everything being just as it is.


If I, as a little girl, had a crystal ball and saw myself today, I would see a radiant woman (whose hair is always tousled and who doesn’t mind at all). Full of immense, sometimes almost unbelievable strength, with an inexhaustible well of positive perspective and hope, with which she blesses herself and other people, and in all this, she flows through Life like an eternally lit lamp.

A woman whose wrinkles are painted with the strength of experiences, from which she adorns her Tree of Life with the most beautiful knowledge that has been granted to her.

If I, as a little girl, could see into the future of me being grown up, I would learn that I walk between worlds and that my masters and guides, who lead me in my mission, are invisible to many people, and yet thanks to my work so tangible.

That I am connected with Angels, with Mother Earth, and the entire Universe in completely natural ways that are inherent to every person, and that I support others in this.

I am a guide to other people, to revive their naturalness, which is the Source of a unique Power of absolutely everything. I myself am a living proof that it works this way.

I enjoy all forms of creative processes, in which through my (once insensitive) hands, works are created that bring Heaven to Earth and help hundreds of people on their way to themselves and their authenticity. In my workshop, I paint candles and create other beautiful things that uniquely work and gently help people transform their lives.

I have long-term cooperation with several smaller, but also well-known stores that offer gifts of my creation, but above all, I love to create for people who order Heaven on Earth directly from me. Then, together with the order, I can also pack invisible spells and send on what I have…

I accompany Meetings with the Soul, meditations, rituals, women’s circles, which are synergistically created for specific participants, whose deep experiences are always a touching reward for me.

I have written several books, including the most amazing piece bringing a unique healing tool for all people regardless of age and for the entire Mother Earth. My candles are said to be the most beautiful in the world and their power is more than just outer beauty.

I have experienced that to resonate the strings that Angels have placed in our hearts and which contain Everything for any moment of our Life, it is not necessary to learn from the outside, but on the contrary, to turn inward.

If I, as a little girl, held a crystal ball and curiously looked at who I would be today, I wouldn’t believe that I am who I am.


A happy and successful woman who has found the keys to all forms of well-being on Mother Earth and whose life shines with so much beauty that her eyes often sparkle and she says to herself: “God, it can’t possibly be…”

From childhood to adulthood, my life often consisted of hard lessons, and it was not always as it is today.

As far back as my memories go, I was a child who was not happy on Earth. My body was covered with extensive eczema nearly from birth, which caused I didn’t feel good in it. In the fog of memories, various procedures appear to me, tying up my hands so I wouldn’t scratch, orders. In the most affected places, blood and pus seeped through my clothing, and soon prolonged allergies with facial swelling were added.

I was ashamed of my body, which constantly itched strongly and brought physical and mental pain. My hands looked like they belonged to an old woman, and I always hid them behind my back. It was a shame for me to show them, for example, in a store when I was pulling out my wallet… and saw the disgusted expressions of the saleswomen. At school, with great pain in the weeping wounds between my fingers, I could hardly hold a pen, and thanks to the constant pain, I did not have a “normal” sensitivity developed. I heard about my clumsiness every day and was ashamed that I “was” at all.

Looking back, I was not a content child, whose world is a safe kingdom. On the contrary. I experienced a great weight and suffering that I was in the world at all.

My suffering was being softened by Angels.

I often left into my own world, where nothing hurt me, where all smelled so sweet, and which softly shone with the most beautiful Light that was the most perfect medicine for everything – for the soul and body. With the Angels, I walked the clear realm in a joyful, loving flow of Light and longed to be there forever. Every evening I fell asleep with clasped hands and with a sincere prayer I asked to go to Heaven. Every morning I woke up disappointed that I was not there, and entered each new day in anxiety.

Around the age of nine, I got meningitis. I remember how my brother held my hand and I saw behind him a beautiful shining Path that I longed to follow. I was taken to the hospital, I felt what was happening to me, and at the same time, I lightly floated down that Path and continued into the white space, where I longed to stay forever… But I was returned and very easily (to the amazement of the doctors) I recovered in a few days.

When I was 14, my father died. On the surface, I was a “heroine,” but inside I experienced heavy states that I had no one to tell about. The only thing I longed for was not to be. Literally, I was surviving.

I struggled for several years that I barely remember, along with my brother and mother, who, what she herself could not handle, “loaded us with”. Soon I got married and two years later gave birth to a daughter. An unforgettable moment that transformed me into a Mother, triggered cascades of loving motherhood, which I very consciously enjoyed at my young age.

It was a period in which I was really happy. I had a wonderful family, my husband’s parents were like my own – and for that, I will always be grateful.


However, shadows, of whose existence I had no idea, were sinking into our Life and as it turned out later, they were part of my husband already at the moment he married me. From various institutions, offices, but also from ordinary people, reminders of his obligations came, which I had no idea of. I felt disappointed and deceived, yet I decided to support him and we began a difficult time of financial distress.

At that time, during maternity leave, I started my first independent project and opened exercises for women, in which I was very successful. Almost all the money I earned went to pay off debts, but it seemed that the money was falling into a bottomless pit. So it was for several more years.

I was losing ground under my feet and life was beginning to lose meaning for me. It reached it’s peak by a visit from the executor, who wanted to pay what my husband told me was paid – and I collapsed.

My work with women required a large energy expenditure, which together with the whole difficult situation triggered great weight loss (which I actually noticed properly only when I ended up in the hospital several times for organ failure, where after drips I signed reversals, refused treatment and went home, because I simply had to take care of my daughter).

I was like a pile of misery, in poor health state, and even ordinary ringing of the doorbell caused my stomach to contract and such a tremor that I was unable to eat for several hours.

Day and night collapsed, in stress, fear, existential uncertainty, without means with a three-year-old daughter on the very edge of Life. Even with a weight of 38 kilos at a height of 172 cm, I put on my exercise outfit every day, lit up a smile, behind which hid the deepest psychological and physical pains, and went to lead hours of collective and individual lessons. Looking back, I don’t understand how I could have survived at all.

One of my clients brought me two books for one of the yoga lessons. One about Angels and the other about the power of the human subconscious. They became my most trusted guides and I turned to God, the Universe, Angels, and my Soul and began to work very intensely and humbly within myself. In the quiet world of Love, I drew comfort, strength, and hope to live on. I often told myself that I would give up, that it made no sense, but again and again, I got up every day and lived.


In this period, I felt how my father was helping me, and I vividly perceived his presence. As if he was giving me energy so that I could survive myself. Despite this, I already saw how close to death I was. I was tormented by cruel pains in bones, knuckles, organs, and my heart stopped working. I had to be under frequent supervision by a cardiologist. Once, when I found myself in the hospital again and saw in front of me the divinely blue, innocent eyes of my daughter, I decided that I could simply do it. It was a big, pivotal moment.

In the desire to Live, I awakened Hope, Love, and Trust in myself, in which I was tested again and again by painful situations. Without having learned it or read it anywhere (there was no internet), I began to enter meditative states, in which I drew beneficial peace and comfort. My physical and psychological forces were reborn and I slowly recovered.

Gradually, images opened up to me, in which Angels showed me what to do, where to go, how to arrange everything, they gave me many pieces of advice and guidance that absolutely fit together.

I remember how, with a pounding heart, I went to plead with the director of the housing cooperative when we received a court order for eviction, to withdraw the lawsuit, promising that I would pay everything. His office was filled with immense tenderness as thousands of pink waves of Angels softened his heart, while I, with my skeletal hands, was clutching a pebble that gave me strength, and with a trembling voice, negotiated the payments. I went through similar situations with many authorities and institutions. I was ashamed to have such a man, to beg for him, and yet I felt a gushing spring of Light within me, which was my strength. I experienced that my inner work made sense and I grew stronger inside.

Angels and other Beings of Light, who flooded my sick body with healing balms of Light and nourished me with everything I needed, accompanied my tenacity. I completely gave myself up to them. My perception became more softened. The messages that the Angels gave me, I saw more and more clearly. Their guidance surpassed all scenarios of reason, but everything always fit together smoothly and my trust in myself, in God, in Life, and the Universe grew.

On my 25th birthday, I woke up knowing that today was the day I was blessed to take the appropriate steps. I went to file for divorce, which took place two months later, on the first day of spring. I will never forget that day.


The relief and freedom were soon replaced by the ever-present threat of claims and executors, to whom I had to prove that I was divorced and that my former husband no longer lived with us. Nevertheless, I encountered an unpleasant, many-year-long legal process, during which I reached the bottom of my strength more than once, but also the miraculous all-power of myself. I felt the Power of faith and several times experienced the intervention of Higher Divine justice. That eventually prevailed.

The first years after the divorce were a difficult period, during which my daughter and I experienced many forms of suffering, yet it was a period of beautiful Hope, which I remember with gratitude.

I worked hard to pay off everything that was needed, to support us, and to occasionally buy something for the empty apartment. My exercise classes were still successful, and I even added cleaning a cold staircase of a three-story building. I experienced moments of pride that I had the strength to clean, and I was thankful that “I could.” It never occurred to me to be ashamed of such work.

Often, while washing the stairs, I prayed that the Light would pass through me and flow to other people.

For several years, I worked hard almost seven days a week, took care of my daughter alone, and often barely stood from fatigue. Every day, I turned to my Heart, to God, and to Higher help, which I received abundantly. Yet, looking back, I am amazed that I managed it.

I reached a period where my path opened into a blooming and fragrant meadow, where I was happy. Deep Trust developed within me, and the unbridled Power of my Soul came to life. I knew that now I could handle everything completely. I knew that I would heal (I was still plagued by great physical pain).

I experienced how my Soul opened to the Power of the entire Universe, which quietly unwound “its” Intentions through me. The time had come for me to respectfully say goodbye to cleaning the house, and although I did not rationally know whether “just” my exercises would be enough to carry us, I did it. To this day, I remember how regal I felt when, after several years, I had a Sunday for myself and did not clean the dirty stairs.

And to this day, although it has been so many years and although I may paint or prepare weekend orders on some Sundays, I reflect on how regally I feel.

Within a few days, when I bowed to this stage, new Paths developed, of which I had no idea. Naturally, today I know that they came to life because I was not afraid, I believed, and I stepped forward.


Once, at the end of a relaxation session, I led the women who came to me for exercise into a state of meditation, without intending to. It was not me, but the Angels surrounding them who told me what words to speak to them. In this way, I actually conduct meditations to this day.

From that day on, short meditations, which were a balm for both body and soul for everyone, became part of the exercise. Soon I began to organize classes that were specifically focused on meditations. These later developed into individual Angelic therapies, in which I saw everything the clients needed as if in a smooth surface.

I did not rest on my laurels and continued to work on myself. In the evenings, instead of watching television, which we did not have, my daughter and I often sang mantras, lit candles, without realizing that in a few years, I would have a house full of candles and hold such a large share of the market. Although we still lived modestly and my daughter did not have most of what her classmates did, it was a wonderful period that we both fondly remember.

My hands, which I was still learning to accept, one day drew on their own. I was ashamed of what I painted, but at the same time, I continued and the only person I had the courage to show my creations to was my daughter. She always liked my pictures, and I was so grateful to her! I still lived with the belief in my clumsiness, a pattern that was very strongly imprinted on me in childhood. I continuously went through one intense transformational process after another, and I must say, often the moments were too heavy.

I went through lessons, experiences, and knowledge both in the spiritual and earthly realms. Repeatedly, I was harshly tested in my trust and devotion. There were moments that I went through in hard work, sweat, and literally blood. Of course, it also had a beautiful side: more and more, I opened up to love, acceptance, trust, and simply loving energy towards myself.


I don’t even know how it happened, but in my hands began to bloom pictures that I was not ashamed of, but proud of. One day, I brought them to the herbal shop of my friend Růženka, who also communicated (not only) with Angels. We agreed to try to display them in the store. After a few days, almost all of them sold out, and I received wonderful feedback. My creative energy flowed, and more and more pictures found their customers, who turned to them with trust for their miraculousness. They began to be called Healing Pictures of Angels. My gratitude was unimaginable.

My first Angelic exhibition came, after which I walked home down the linden alley, feeling “my” troop of Angels behind me and crying with happiness. Clients, without me promoting myself (there was no money for the internet and computer), increased, and I know that the Angels took care of that.

The second exhibition came, and my first book was published, then the second, Angelic cards… I spent my free time talking with Angels, creating, spending ordinary moments with my daughter, praying for people who needed it, for Mother Earth…

I lived in a way I never dreamed of, in immense satisfaction, harmony, and accord. I thought it would be like that forever until my current husband entered my dream. Thanks to him, I started painting the first Angelic candles. Positive responses to the candles came from people from all sides, and my eczema almost disappeared.

Soon the Soul of our first son Vojtíšek Gabriel came to us. I experienced the pregnancy in very intense transformational waves, which changed me in many ways and opened me to further spheres of subtle worlds. I enjoyed moments with Vojtíšek, who has the gift of seeing Angels and other Beings clearly developed, and I have supported him in his development since he was little. Meanwhile, I continued to work in balance.

After some time, my body opened again to the gift of blessing. I went through a very strong period, at the end of which I gave birth to a stillborn baby at home, which fit into my palm. I emerged from our story humble, strong, reconciled, full of immense trust in myself, my body, and Nature, and also incredibly transformed. Nevertheless, it was hard. This story is worthy of separate narration, and you can find it here – [url]The Story of My Angel.


From the dark period after the loss of a baby, I stood up again with the help of Angels and other Beings of Light to the fortress of myself, experienced a beautiful pregnancy, which was led by my little boy Maximilian Michael, whom I planned to give birth to at home. Through deep experiences of exceptional pregnancies and births, I merged with the immense love of Mother Earth and her living Force revived in me so much that I began to hear her wise messages. Mother Earth spoke to me in the most sacred proto-language, and I recorded her silent prayers and blessings. Without realizing it at the time, the book Placental Ritual began to be created.

I baptized the book in the same place where my first exhibition of paintings once took place. Moments before the baptism itself, despite the present guests, I went into the silence under the trees, which know me so intimately, I spoke to them, to the Earth, to God, and did not stop thanking for the miracles that my life is interwoven with.

If I, as a little girl running under the same trees, looked into this moment, I would see how unconditionally and deeply I accepted myself. That I am very happy to be in the world, overflowing with love for all creation, and finding much beauty in my being.

I would see a woman equally proud and humble, brave and grateful, fragile and strong, and above all, simply happy.

Every moment of my story had and has a Unique meaning, and I would not exchange it with anyone for anything in the world. When you look at it with your heart, you do not see adversity, but immense blessings, of which I am aware. And I thank God for them.

All people, including my former husband, with whom I have a long-term friendly and kind relationship, created perfect conditions for experiences, thanks to which I set in motion thousands of miracles.

Thanks to my story I am just the way I am, and I thank Life for that too.

With love, Radana