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Candle of Mary Magdalene

Candle of Mary Magdalene

The candle carries live vibrations that support the healing of cellular memory and intimate injuries of the psyche and body. They free us from ancestral patterns and blocks that bind us to a limited way of experiencing sexuality and femininity.


Candle of Mary Magdalene



In the candle of Mary Magdalene, delicate yet very strong essences are anchored, which actively work with female topics.

It supports vision, grasping, and bringing Women’s wisdom to the surface of consciousness.

Her energy teaches us to work with the power of Creation and supports us in the ancient art of Life.

It connects us with the roots of healthy Femininity – with the symbol of the circle – with the
all-pervading creative Life force.

It refines our spiritual and physical perception and opens our bodies to Sacred frequencies.

The candle flows with living vibrations that support the healing of cellular memory and intimate injuries of the psyche and body. They liberate from ancestral patterns and blocks that bind us to a limited way of experiencing sexuality and femininity.

It recovers faulty patterns of female lines, supports the healing of the female lineage, relationship with mother, grandmother, daughter, or partner.


The candle of Mary Magdalene

  • leads us through the spiral of time to the Source of energies of Mary Magdalene, which bring us to the pure qualities of femininity.
  • teaches us to distinguish what is wise for us at this or that moment and how to nourish ourselves.
  • supports us in transforming rivalry, dependencies, jealousy, arrogance, and inferiority and teaches co-belonging, humility, dignity, strength, and power without the need for visibility.
  • helps us dissolve all accepted thought forms that (secretly) determine how we experience ourselves, heals guilt and feelings of “I don’t deserve” and “I’m not good enough”.
  • dissolves the collective burden of linear living (in performance, tension, pressure, logic, competitiveness, imbalance).
  • reminds us of the ability to connect to our bodies, menstruation, womb, and open to the voice of Divine power. It is a link to the Universal womb.

The vibration of this candle teaches us to flow in trust and leads to the natural ability to live in harmony with the cycle of Life and its cycles and to accept the blessing of Life.

The candle is suitable to light during any work with the body (massages, bath, women’s herbal steam, breathwork, etc.), but also during meditations, prayers, and personal and group rituals.

It is a wonderful guide for Women’s circles and supports work with their key themes. It gently and safely leads to depth.

It resonates very much with the themes of Menstrual and Birth candles and it is suitable to combine them by feeling.

Mary Magdalene also brings the key to harmonious experiencing of partnership, supports us in fulfillment and living in the Divine bond, in the dancing energies of Man and Woman.

At the same time with the candle of Mary Magdalene, it is suitable to work also with the candle of Jesus Christ. In both candles, Divine qualities are anchored, when they are lit, a portal of deep and unconditional Love is created, which liberates, nourishes, and is a fascinating gift of transformation, harmony, reconciliation, and healing. The synchrony of these candles beneficially affects reciprocity, unification, and healing of male and female energy in our personal, but also collective field.

More detailed information and a beautiful prayer of Mary Magdalene can be found on the tag, which is part of the candle.

Height of the candle: 27 cm
Diameter of the candle: 5 cm



Additional information

Weight 426 g


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