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Candle of the Jesus Christ

Candle of the Jesus Christ

His powerful vibrations flow through the candle of Jesus Christ and carry distinctly transformative and empowering energies. In the highest wisdom, it synchronizes the flow of vibrations between our soul, heart and mind.


Candle of the Jesus Christ



Effects of working with this candle will soon show up in your life and support all its events, and it can be said without exaggeration that it is suitable at any stage of our existence.

The creative power increases vibrations in your personal and collective field.

It strongly supports the healing of the male branch of the family, relationships with the father, sons, partners, and also the Father of the Universe.

It supports us in empathy, compassion, kindness, and unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra.

It significantly helps women, men, and children in healing the physical body.

In the highest wisdom, it synchronizes the flow of vibrations between our soul, heart, and mind, and leads us to create our Life through cultivated values of Light and in balance of all polarities.

It carries strong processes of transformation and offers a huge potential for rebirth – in many areas of life. It is especially suitable at various life milestones, where it strengthens us and sets in motion liberating events, so that our current, binding boundaries can disappear.

It is also an amazing candle for partners. It helps to establish harmony in our partnership and at the same time makes visible weak points that need to be focused on, to look deeper into the causes and to weave painful threads with compassion, understanding, acceptance, and the healing essence of Love.


The Candle of the Jesus Christ

  • anchors the qualities of the male principle of Love and heals painful experiences in relation to male energy.
  • supports compassionate understanding of oneself and others, gentle return to harmony, wholeness, strength of body and spirit.
  • heals the cellular memory of the current Life, up to all other levels of our existence, in which in the gentle power of healing it transforms all deposits into compassion, light, understanding, and pure Love.
  • helps to remember the meaning of our Life, supports us in transforming and cultivating the quality of Light, which is our (hidden) part and whose awakening is our task on Earth.
  • is an irreplaceable guide of spiritual and earthly growth, brings our gifts into consciousness and sets in motion amazing events that are subsequently manifested in matter.
  • opens the gates of Life, in which there is a safe space of Love and real power of healing.

To truly feel the touches of Jesus Christ is not a privilege of some, but a possibility for each of us.

At the same time with the candle of Jesus Christ, it is suitable to work also with the candle of Mary Magdalene. In both candles, Divine qualities are anchored, when they are lit, a portal of deep and unconditional Love is created, which liberates, nourishes, and is a fascinating gift of transformation, harmony, reconciliation, and healing. The synchrony of these candles beneficially affects the reciprocity, unification, and healing of male and female energy in our personal and collective field.


More detailed information and a beautiful prayer of Jesus Christ can be found on the tag, which is part of the candle.

Candle height: 27 cm
Candle diameter: 5 cm



Additional information

Weight 426 g


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