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Harmonic Chakra Rainbow Candle – Connection with Earth and Heaven – PYRAMID

Harmonic Chakra Rainbow Candle – Connection with Earth and Heaven – PYRAMID

It brings the whole energy system into harmony, leading us to the glowing centre of our Being.


Harmonic Chakra Rainbow Candle – Connection with Earth and Heaven – PYRAMID


An energetic candle, through whose flame harmonious vibrations are released to support the balance of body and spirit.

It aligns the flow of energy in our body and develops the chakra flowers into balance, strength and stability.

It brings the whole energy system into harmony, supporting the dissolution of ballast.

It guides us to the glowing center of our Being.

Through the candle flows the subtle vibrations of the realm of Angels, their supportive care, hope and power of purifying healing.

The sacred vibrations of Mother Earth released through the candle support the transformation of our visions into material fulfillment.

Its effect is enhanced by the healing mandala that is created in the connection between the caressing Mother Earth and the bright kingdom of God’s world

This candle strengthens all healing processes and effectively complements any candle from my workshop. The pyramid shape is very popular for many occasions – for meditations, rituals, celebrations or cleansing.

The harmonic chakra candle is beneficial for moodiness, imbalance, physical, emotional or spiritual weakness.

It is great as an accompaniment to relaxations, prayers, meditations, when communicating with our soul.

We light the candle whenever we feel the need, during rituals, cleansing, prayer, meditation, working on ourselves or just for joy.

The text is for informational purposes only, as in the context of your journey, uniqueness, Soul intent, needs and Personal Story, the living frequencies and use values of the candles can evolve and change to create what we need. The candles from my workshop guide the Beings of Light and actively respond to each of us

The candle includes a tag with a beautiful prayer from the Archangels and more detailed information

Height of the candle: 35 cm
Diameter of the base: 8 cm

Additional information

Weight 780 g


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