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Cleansing Body And Ear Candles

Cleansing Body And Ear Candles

Cleansing body and ear candles relieve inflammatory processes, remove toxins, relieve pain and release energy blockages in the area. They are used, for example, to relieve headaches, colds and flus, to calm emotions and to treat painful areas on the body.

56.00 154.00 

Cleansing Body And Ear Candles

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Cleansing candles are handmade hollow tubes made of linen, pure beeswax and turmeric.

By applying a burning candle to a specific spot, a vacuum is created in that area, which, similar to cupping, reduces the problems stored in the subcutaneous tissue – cysts, fibroids, swelling. The candles also reduce inflammatory processes, remove toxins, relieve pain and release energy blockages in the area. This also releases the internal healing energy and starts the self-healing process.

What can body cleansing candles do?

  • They help with post-operative and post-traumatic conditions.
  • They relieve stress and tension, headaches.
  • They relieve mental tension and irritation.
  • They relieve inflammatory processes and its remnants of a chronic nature.
  • They cleanse the lymphatic system.
  • They remove toxins.
  • They improve digestion.
  • They soothe spinal, joint and muscle pain and relieve muscle tension.
  • They harmonize, create a pleasant atmosphere while giving space to quiet down and think about the causes of the problem.

Ear cleansing candles help with

  • acute and cold sores, congested sinuses (apply to the root of the nose, above/below the eyes or directly to the sinuses),
  • colds
  • ear infections (apply in front of the ear)
  • tinnitus and earache.

It is recommended to work consciously with candles, to take time for yourself and not to be distracted for example by television.

Cleansing body and ear candles have no side effects and can be used even with young children (from 3 years of age).

Where to apply the candles

Cleansing body candles

The candles can be applied to painful or problematic places on the body (except for open wounds and mucous membranes), on reflex points on the hands or soles of the feet, on the spine for pleasant relaxation.

  • The application to the navel cleanses all organs located in the abdominal cavity.
  • By applying it to the spine, we get a wonderful rest and at the same time let what is needed flow away.
  • By applying the EAR candle in front of or behind the ear we cleanse the entire physical body as it affects the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Cleansing ear candles

  • By applying it in front of or behind the ear, we cleanse the entire physical body, because the active points of all organs are located here.
  • Application to the root of the nose, sinuses above and below the eyes, helps with acute and colds, stuffy sinuses and colds.
  • Application in front of the ear relieves ear infections.
  • Application in front of or behind the ear is also suitable for tinnitus and earache.

Lucie Srnská makes her candles with great humbleness and love. This wonderful energy is imprinted into the entire production process, which Lucie provides all by herself – from the hand-cut linen to the sewing of the paper bags you receive the candles in.

Cleansing body candles come in several sizes:

 Ear candles

They have only one size, they are applied only in the head area.

Dimensions: diameter 1 cm, length 25 cm

Body candles

Size S: for sinuses, colds, headaches, cervical spine or reflex points.

Dimensions: diameter 1.5 cm, length 28 cm

Size M: suitable for relief of headaches and pain in various places on the body; also suitable for swelling, inflammatory deposits, post-traumatic conditions and for application to reflex points.

Dimensions: diameter 2 cm, length 30 cm

Size M extra: same use as size M, but the process is longer.

Dimensions: diameter 2 cm, length 40 cm

Size L: suitable for body aches, muscle pain, cleansing the body, removing toxins from the body.

Dimensions: diameter 2.5 cm, length 30 cm

Size L extra: suitable for relaxation, pain relief, tense emotions, application on the spine.

Dimensions: diameter 2,5 cm, length 40 cm


Instructions for use of cleansing body candles

We can either apply the candles ourselves or with the assistance of another person. (I recommend the second option – having another person apply the candles – just because we can switch off and enjoy it even more.)

Before and after application, we need to increase our intake of plain water. The water will bind the leached pollutants and carry them away from the body.

Before application, prepare: a quiet place, a bowl of water, scissors, a napkin or unfolded tissue, a cut napkin under a lit candle, a lighter or matches, or a lit candle (perhaps a tealight).

Application of cleansing candles

  • Lightly massage the selected area of the body in circular motions to loosen it slightly.
  • Apply a cut paper napkin to the area.
  • Light a body candle and place the non-burning end of the candle on the selected spot on the paper napkin. Always place the candle vertically and tightly so that the smoke does not escape around the edges.
  • Leave the candle to work, continuously cut off the top burnt part into a bowl of water and tap the contents of the candle 1-2 times during the application onto a prepared larger napkin or tissue.
  • Let the candle burn out until there is about 5 cm left of the candle, then extinguish it in the prepared bowl of water.
  • The rest of the candle can be unwrapped or tapped on the pad and see the result of the therapy: white to light yellow powder indicates common impurities in the body, solidified lumps depending on size and colour – inflammation, blood clots, stones or salts. Pointed stalactites indicate emotions or foreign energies.
  • If large sintered lumps and stalactites appear in the candle, it is possible to apply up to 3 candles in a row or continue for the following days until the body clears and the effect disappears.
  • After application, do not touch the remaining contents of the candle with your hands – it contains harmful substances that we have taken out of the body with the candle and we do not want to pick them back up through the skin. Always wash your hands after application.
  • When you have finished applying, wrap the entire contents and the rest of the candle and preferably burn it in the fireplace or take it right out of the house.

When not to use candles and other important information

Do not use candles

  • When having allergic reaction to any of the ingredients used in the candle (cotton cloth, beeswax, turmeric),
  • When having fever
  • After recent perforation of the drum
  • never insert the candle into open wounds and on mucous membranes
  • do not place the candle directly on or near the heart
  • do not apply candles to the top of the head.
  • If you are pregnant, always use candles after consulting your doctor or therapist, and never in the stomach area.

Body candles are not a substitute for medical care. They are an alternative way of cleansing the body and their use is at the discretion of each individual.

When using them you are working with an open flame, so extreme caution should be exercised.

The candles do not deteriorate or lose quality over time, however, it is advisable to store them preferably in a sealed box, in a cool and dark place to prevent possible deformation or fading.

Additional information


Ear candles, Body candle size S, Body candle size M, Body candle size M extra, Body candle size L, Body candle size L extra


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