Milí zákazníci, děkuji Vám za Vaši přízeň a oznamuji, že poslední objednávky, s dodáním do Vánoc, přijímám v neděli 17. 12. 2023 do půlnoci.
Objednávky přijaté od pondělí 18. 12. 2023 budeme odesílat až počátkem roku 2024.
In the tones of the high vibrations of the entire Cosmos, from the proudly open Sacred Dragon cave, in the Royal Trinity descended the Sacred Dragons, whose transcending powers extend and resound through infinity.
Their wings carry the splendor of ancient ceremonies, the fragrance of the shrines, and the whisper of the tongues of the ancient Light Language of Atlantis.
The lighting of their candle signifies for all of us the lighting of portals whose gates will be opened by the Dragon Guardian of the Sacred Lands of the Dragons, who have waited centuries and millennia for this moment. For the time when the Earth will be Reborn again and their very powerful potency will be allowed to flow through it once more.
The royal trinity of Dragons, bearing the Crystal Aquamarine, Ruby Glowing and Indigo Mysterious Shimmer of the Infinite of their magical wings, spewing forth unbridled geysers of fireworks of dazzling energy that is the channel to an incredibly rich and deeply wonderful world, has descended. Their expanding power reaches across eons of time into the Sacred Lands and envelops our New Earth here and now in a magical labyrinth flowing from the Divine Order.